Brett Stinson
Professor Werry
RWS 100
November 18, 2014
Attention Literacy
In the article “Attention Literacy” by Howard Rheingold he presents an argument on the changing internet and how is has emerged as a large force on how society interacts. Although he presents this argument on the internet, he takes neither side and states that it has both positives and negatives and we must take advantage of it as it can turn to be very useful. One of his most important points, which is also included in the title, is the nature of Attention as it has been deteriorated by the newer and faster Internet that is always changing to make itself that much better. Although he discusses how the internet has had a negative impact, it isn’t the most important as attention is something that can be improved and doesn’t always stay the same. So if we are able to control our attention and overcome distractions then it isn’t a major factor. Overall, Rheingold views the internet as a positive and that the negatives are all self controlled and each individual has the power to make the internet a positive.
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